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Inactive Committees

Inactive Committees

Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority Committees

Combined Authority Board

In November 2016, all eight organisations agreed to pursue the devolution deal made with Central Government. From December 2016, the Shadow Combined Authority held monthly public meetings to progress the creation and formation of the authority. Following the signing of the Order by Communities Secretary, Sajid Javid, the first official meeting of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority took place on 20th March 2017. Each partner is represented by the leader of their organisation. We are made up of representatives from eight organisations. These are Cambridge City Council, Cambridgeshire County Council, East Cambridgeshire District Council, Fenland District Council, Huntingdonshire District Council, Peterborough City Council, South Cambridgeshire District Council and The Business Board. The Combined Authority is held to account by several committees made up of representatives from partner local authorities. The Authority is led by a Mayor Nik Johnson, who was elected on 8th May 2021.

Audit and Governance Committee

The Audit and Governance Committee's role is to review the Combined Authority's financial affairs, internal control, corporate governance arrangements and risk management. The Audit and Governance Committee was established by the Combined Authority in March 2017 in accordance with the Combined Authorities Order 2017. The committee is made up of one member from each of the constituent councils of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority. The Chair is Mr John Pye (Independent Person) and the Vice Chair is Cllr Graham Wilson.

Audit and Governance Sub Committee

The Audit and Governance Sub Committee was established to discharge any of the functions of the parent Audit & Governance committee including forming a hearings panel. The subcommittee can develop recommendations and/or investigate issues of interest or concern.

Housing and Communities Committee

The main role of the Housing and Communities Committee is to make recommendations to the Combined Authority Board on: Housing Strategy The Housing Investment Fund The programme of housing projects More details about Housing and Communities Committee

Overview & Scrutiny Committee

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee was established by the Combined Authority in March 2017 in accordance with the Combined Authorities Order 2017. The committee is made up of two members from each of the constituent councils of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority. The role of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee is to review or scrutinise decisions and actions taken by the Combined Authority or the Mayor. The Chair is Cllr Charlotte Cane and the Vice Chair is Cllr Andy Coles.

Transport & Infrastructure Committee

The main role of the Transport and Infrastructure Committee is to make recommendations on the following matters to the Combined Authority Board: The Local Transport Plan Bus Strategy The transport revenue budget, including any transport levy The annual programme of strategic transport projects and the associated capital investment budget Borrowing powers exercised as the Local Transport Authority Creation of the key route network More details about the Transport and Infrastructure Committee

Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee

This Committee oversees the development, management and implementation of key strategy and policy including; the Climate Action Plan (Combined Authority), Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Independent Commission on Climate, Green Homes, the Water /Power Infrastructure, the Net Zero programme, the Sustainable Warmth programme, and the Affordable Housing programme, and will implement and deliver the Priority Area - Enabling Resilient Communities- as set out in the Corporate Plan

Human Resources Committee

The Human Resources Committee was previously the Employment Committee. Its role is to discharge the functions of the authority in respect of the appointment, dismissal or other disciplinary action relating to the Chief Officers in accordance with the Constitution and any relevant employment policies and procedures. Development, management and review of human resources policy to assist delivery of the CAs strategic objectives.

Skills & Employment Committee

The Skills and Employment Committee oversees the development, management and implementation of key strategy and policy including the Employment and Skills Strategy and the Work, Health and Wellbeing Strategy, as well as the oversight and management of the devolved Adult Education Budget and Government funded programmes such as Multiply and Skills Bootcamps.

Employment and Skills Board

The Employment and Skills Board is an advisory board to the Skills Committee. The meetings of this Board are held in private.

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